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Rocková bludiště

Counselling & Therapy

I provide individual counselling and therapy for adults.

I offer consultaions in English (for non-native speakers) and in German language.

Counselling & biosynthetic therapy

I am providing individual counselling and therapy for adults based on the principles of biosynthetic psychotherapy.

Biosynthesis is a holistic approach which works with 3 aspects: thoughts, emotions and body sensations. Together with the client we look at his/ her situation and perceive what he/ she thinks about it, how he/she feels about it and what the body has to “say” about it in order to find out what are the client´s needs and which resources could help him/her in the situation.

Counselling & therapy topics

You can contact me for support for the following topics:

  • Self-development

  • Self-confidence, sense of self-worth

  • Life satisfaction, life purpose

  • Relationships, loneliness

  • Stress, fatigue, burn out

  • Worries, anxiety, sadness, minor depression

  • Trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Managing of demanding life situations (job loss or change, divorse, relocation and adaptation to a new environment, illness or dead of someone close, …)

About me

I have successfully completed a complex psychotherapy training (5 years) at the Czech Institute of Biosynthetic Psychotherapy (ČIBP).

This psychotherapy training program is accredited by European and Czech Association for Psychotherapy (EAP and ČAP).

I am a member of EAP and ČAP, assosiations which ensure that their members have needed education for providing therapy and that they also undergo a lifelong education.

I work under regular supervision.

In have my original background in linguistics - I completed my German and Dutch studies (MA) at the Masaryk university in Brno and my Erasmus programme (1 year) focused on Interpreting at Hogeschool Gent.
I was using English on a daily basis during my HR carreer in international companies and currently I´m an interpreter (ENG-CZ) for workshops and psychotherapy training at the ČIBP institute.

Price & payment

Consultations (counselling or therapy) are paid by client. I do not have contracts with health insurance companies therefore there is no reimbursement possible for the care services provided.

  • Individual consultation (50 min.) in English or German – 1.400 CZK

All payments need to be done as direct bank account transfer. I do not accept cash or credit cards.

Agreed session is binding and can be cancelled by client with no charges 48 hours before session start. If the session is cancelled by client for any reason (incl. e.g. illness) less then 48 hours before the scheduled session, there is a cancellation fee of full session price.

How to make an appointment

You can contact me on working days between 8 am and 7 pm via e-mail (preferred) or text message.

​If I don't respond, I'm with a client and will get back to you as soon as I can (usually within 2 working days).

Consultation take place in my office where I ´m available for them on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (all day) and on Thursdays in the afternoon. 

Upon agreement is it possible to meet occasionally online. For online consultations I ´m available on Mondays and Fridays (both in the morning).


+420 730 131 910 (sms only)



Příkop 27/2a, Brno, 3rd floor

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